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Contact Us

The Ulster-Scots Agency can be contacted by telephone, fax, email or post:


Main office (Belfast)

The Ulster-Scots Agency, The Corn Exchange, 31 Gordon Street, Belfast, BT1 2LG, Northern Ireland. 


Tel: 028 9023 1113
Fax: 028 9023 1898


International callers dialing the Ulster-Scots Agency:

Europe - 00 44 28 9023 1113
Australia - 00 11 44 28 9023 1113
USA - 011 44 28 9023 1113


Regional office (Raphoe)

The Ulster-Scots Agency, William Street, Raphoe, Co Donegal.


Tel: +353 7 4917 3876
Fax: +353 7 4917 3985


Access Officers

Under Section 26 (2) Disability Act 2005 (ROI), all Government Offices are required to appoint one or more Access Officers. 

At the Ulster-Scots Agency, we want to provide a helpful service and high level of care to all those who engage with us.Our Access Officers have been appointed to help and are responsible for providing, arranging or co-ordinating assistance when requested, to persons with disabilities accessing our services. They also act as a point of contact for persons with disabilities who wish to access such services.

Our Access Officers are listed below and can be contacted on 028 9023 1113 or email here

  • Ann Davison: Belfast Office queries
  • Audrey Freen: Raphoe Office queries
  • Jacqueline Purse: Digital & Social Media queries.


Follow us on social media: 


Facebook: @UlsterScotsAgency

Instagram: @discoverulsterscots
Twitter: @UlsterScotsAgen

YouTube: @ulsterscots7486


Alternatively, complete the form provided below and a member of Agency staff will contact you:


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