"Heed" [Heed] Meaning: Believe
The Ulster-Scots Agency can be contacted by telephone, fax, email or post:
Main office (Belfast)
The Ulster-Scots Agency, The Corn Exchange, 31 Gordon Street, Belfast, BT1 2LG, Northern Ireland.
Tel: 028 9023 1113
Fax: 028 9023 1898
Email: info@ulsterscotsagency.org.uk
International callers dialing the Ulster-Scots Agency:
Europe - 00 44 28 9023 1113
Australia - 00 11 44 28 9023 1113
USA - 011 44 28 9023 1113
Regional office (Raphoe)
The Ulster-Scots Agency, William Street, Raphoe, Co Donegal.
Tel: +353 7 4917 3876
Fax: +353 7 4917 3985
Email: freena@ulsterscotsagency.org.uk
Access Officers
Under Section 26 (2) Disability Act 2005 (ROI), all Government Offices are required to appoint one or more Access Officers.
At the Ulster-Scots Agency, we want to provide a helpful service and high level of care to all those who engage with us.Our Access Officers have been appointed to help and are responsible for providing, arranging or co-ordinating assistance when requested, to persons with disabilities accessing our services. They also act as a point of contact for persons with disabilities who wish to access such services.
Our Access Officers are listed below and can be contacted on 028 9023 1113 or email here.
Follow us on social media:
Facebook: @UlsterScotsAgency
Instagram: @discoverulsterscots
Twitter: @UlsterScotsAgen
YouTube: @ulsterscots7486
Alternatively, complete the form provided below and a member of Agency staff will contact you: