"Dochter" [Dogh-ter] Meaning: Daughter
The Ulster-Scots Agency has recently produced a new publication ‘A Word of Ulster-Scots’ by Liam Logan.
The publication features a collection which began its life as a series of columns in the Ulster-Scot newspaper. Liam Logan’s aim in writing the columns was to show that many Ulster-Scots words and phrases are part of everyday speech for many people in Northern Ireland.
Liam Logan was born in Ballymoney, Co Antrim and grew up in Galdanagh, a townland outside Dunloy. He has referred to the area of North Antrim as “the hame o the Hamely Tongue”. A native Ulster-Scots speaker and an enthusiast promoter of Ulster-Scots, he sees it as an integral part of our shared linguistic and cultural heritage.
Speaking about the launch of the publication, Hazel Campbell, Interim Chief Executive at the Ulster-Scots Agency said: “We hope the general public enjoys this latest Agency publication; it provides an insight into the native tongue of Ulster-Scots in North Antrim”.
‘A Word of Ulster-Scots’ is priced at £9.95 (soft back) and £14.95 (hard back) and is available to purchase from the Ulster-Scots Agency by contacting Jim Millar on (028) 9023 1113 or emailing JMillar@ulsterscotsagency.org.uk.