"Sleekit" [Slee-kit] Meaning: Sly
01 October 2016, 14:00, No. 24 The Diamond, Carndonagh, County Donegal
On Saturday 1st October 2016, the Ulster History Circle will unveil a blue plaque in honour of Captain Jack Crawford (John Wallace) 1847 - 1917.
Captain Jack Crawford - THE POET SCOUT
The plaque will be unveiled on Saturday, 1st October 2016 at 2.00 pm. at No. 24 The Diamond, Carndonagh (beside the Shoe & Sports Store). Refreshments will follow at the Colgan Hall, Carndonagh.
RSVP by Thursday, 22nd September 2016 to - Jeanette Longwill colganhall1914@eircom.net (0749329377) or Maud Hamill - hamillmaud@hotmail.co.uk (07766823535).
The Ulster History Circle is grateful to the Ulster-Scots Agency for its financial support towards this plaque.