"Shairp" [Share-p] Meaning: Sharp
27 October 2009
The Ulster-Scots Agency tranche funding scheme for festivals in 2010 will open in November with completed applications to be received by 12 noon on Friday 29th January, 2010.
Further details including Application Form and Guidance Notes are available in ‘Apply for funding’. Community and Voluntary groups interested in organising a festival in 2010 are also encouraged to speak to the Agency Development Officer for their area at the earliest opportunity.
Seminars details are as follows:
Date: Tuesday 17th November, 2009
Time: 8pm
Venue: Radisson Roe SAS, Limavady, Co Londonderry
Hosted by Agency Development Officer Derek Reaney
Date: Thursday 19th November, 2009
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Lagan Valley Conference Centre, Lisburn, Co Down
Hosted by Agency Development Officer Maynard Hanna
Community and Voluntary groups wishing to confirm their attendance or seeking further information should contact the appropriate Development Officer, details are as follows:
Derek Reaney
Ulster-Scots Agency
2nd Floor
Moffet Building
The Diamond
Raphoe, Co. Donegal
Tel: +353 (7491) 73 876
Mob: 078 4327 9912
E-mail: ulsterscotsagency@eircom.net
Maynard Hanna
Ulster-Scots Agency
68-72 Great Victoria Street
Tel: (028) 9089 1783
Mob: 07894 659 636
E-mail: maynard@ulsterscotsagency.org.uk