"Wheen" [Ween] Meaning: Few
19 September 2017
The Ulster’s V.C. Heroes of the Great War exhibition is now on display in the Belfast Room of the Ulster Museum.
The Ulster-Scots Agency has commissioned a series of portraits from local artist Philip Armstrong depicting the 19 men from Ulster families who were awarded the Victoria Cross medal during the Great War.
Visitors will also have an opportunity to obtain a copy of an accompanying booklet on the V.C. recipients. Alongside the VC Exhibition will be the iconic poppy installation, originally showcased at the Tower of London in 2014 where 888,246 poppies were displayed, in honour of every death in the British and Colonial forces of the First World War.
The museum will be the venue for the 'Weeping Window' art piece, following a joint proposal by National Museums Northern Ireland and the Belfast International Arts Festival.
'Weeping Window’ is a cascade of several thousand handmade ceramic poppies that pours from a window or other point high above the ground and has been created by Derby-based artist Paul Cummins and designer Tom Piper.
Read their stories in this touring exhibition on display in the Belfast Room until Sunday 12 November.