"Unther" [Unner] Meaning: Under
30 January 2018
Flagship Status for Kingsmill Primary
Eighteen months of hard work by pupils and teachers at Kingsmill Primary School, was rewarded last week with a presentation of an Ulster-Scots Flagship School Award from the Ulster-Scots Agency.
The award was presented at a special assembly by Ulster-Scots Agency Education Officer Gary Blair, who praised the School for its excellent work and commended the teachers for their work in incorporating the Ulster-Scots, heritage, culture and language within the school.
Following the presentation, Mr Blair said “Everyone at Kingsmill Primary School has worked very hard to learn more about their Ulster-Scots identity of their area and we are delighted that they have achieved Ulster-Scots Flagship status”. School Principal Gemma Harrison expressed her delight at receiving the award as recognition of all the hard work that underpinned teaching and learning about Ulster-Scots within her school.
“We would like to thank the Ulster-Scots Agency for providing our children with so many cultural opportunities. We have enjoyed a range of activities from Lambeg drumming lessons to dance lessons. The pupils have really enjoyed the sessions and have learnt a lot about their heritage. We fully recommend the Flagship Programme and we hope to continue working with the Ulster Scots Agency in the future”.
Joining the Ulster Scots Flagship Programme is completely free. By registering to participate schools commit themselves to an eighteen month programme of work which, on completion, will lead to the award of Ulster-Scots Flagship School status. During this process, participating schools will be supported by staff from the Ulster-Scots Agency and other specialist tutors.
Schools can express their interest in the Flagship Scheme through the Agency’s website www.ulsterscotsagency.com
For further information, contact Gary Blair at the Ulster-Scots Agency on 028 9023 1113 or email gblair@ulsterscotsagency.org.uk