"Sleekit" [Slee-kit] Meaning: Sly
12 January 2011
In response to the volume of enquiries regarding the Community Workers Scheme, the deadline for accepting applications has been extended to noon on Friday 11 February 2011.
Applications are invited for financial assistance (under the Voluntary and Community Group awards) for the employment of a part time (up to 25 hours per week) administrative worker for Ulster Scots Groups or organisations.
These activities may include (but are not restricted to) the following:
The applicants will also need to demonstrate that they own or have use of facilities which will accommodate an employee and that they will comply with all legislative requirements pertaining to the employment of staff.
As well as applications from individual groups, the Agency will also consider joint applications from several groups whose activities considered together might meet the criteria and who might share an administrative worker. The application must demonstrate a significant track record in organising a range of Ulster-Scots activities.
Initial funding for the project will be for one years duration with the possibility for extension for a further year, subject to a satisfactory annual review.
To apply the group must submit a Business Case which must be with the Agency by noon on Friday 11 February 2011. Applications will be assessed by a panel and a final decision will be made by the Board of the Agency. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in March 2011.
In order that the Agency may assess applications the following information must be submitted with the Business Plan:
1) The rules and constitution of the body in question, which should include details of the organisation’s aim/objectives. The rules or constitution must have been formally adopted by the Group and signed and dated by the Chairperson
2) A copy of the organisation’s financial statements (Income & Expenditure) for the previous year, signed by the treasurer or other authorised officer. If the organisation was formed within the last 12 months, then financial accounts (Income & Expenditure) as at date of application should be submitted.
3) An original current bank statement (dated to at least two months before application date)
4) Details of current financial commitments if credit balance is in excess of £1000
5) A current Child Protection Policy giving names and contact details of 2 designated Officers. This policy must have been formally adopted by the Group and signed and dated by the Chairperson
Where groups have already supplied these to the Agency only up to date financial statements and bank statements are required.
The Business Case will include details and set targets relating to the projects / activities the group will undertake and how the worker will contribute to those activities. Details regarding the management of the project will be required as will full details of funding relating to the post and projects. The Agency would expect the business case to demonstrate anticipated growth and development over the period of the project and should provide details in the following areas;
· A brief description of the organisation proposing the project
· The background and purpose of the project for which funding is sought.
· The strategic context of the Project in relation to the Agency’s Corporate and Business Plans
· The Group’s Strategic Objectives
· Details relating to the need for the project and its associated expenditure, both now and in the future
· List the specific objectives of the proposed project. These objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Time-dependant (SMART) and should be consistent with the high level strategic objectives above.
· List the activities the Group will undertake in connection with this project in the first year. This should include anticipated income and expenditure on each element and the timescale involved i.e. commencement and completion dates. (Separate applications will be required for financial assistance for tuition, festivals or summer schools in accordance with the Agency tranche funding schemes).
· Detail possible risks associated with the project. Where relevant, indicate the probability of occurrence and the likely impact on cost and delivery.
· Set out the arrangements for monitoring the project, including:
1) Arrangements for management and execution;
2) Procedures for dealing with potential and actual cost overruns;
3) Progress reports and their timing;
4) Who has overall responsibility.
· Set out the arrangements for post project evaluation evaluation, including:
1) When the PPE is to be completed;
2) Who is responsible for it;
3) The factors to be evaluated;
4) Procedures for disseminating any lessons learnt.
· any other information considered relevant to the proposal
· The following must be submitted with the Business Plan:
1) The Rules and Constitution of the Body;
2) Audited Financial Statements (income & expenditure) for the previous year;
3) The current Bank Statement;
4) Details of financial commitment;
5) Current Child Protection Policy including names and contact details of the groups two designated child protection officers.
Please note that Groups currently funded by the Community Workers Scheme are not required to apply for 2011 programme.
It is important to recognise that this funding scheme will support groups who currently identify themselves as Ulster-Scots and who are dedicated to promoting Ulster-Scots culture and heritage. It cannot support groups which merely include some Ulster-Scots activities as part of a wider cultural or multi-cultural provision.
Depending on the level of funds available it may not be possible for the Agency to approve all applications which simply meet the relevant criteria. Under such circumstances applications which, in the opinion of the Agency, best meet the criteria and the objectives of the Agency, will be successful. The Board may offer to fund the worker on a lower grant award than requested, based on its assessment of the needs of the organisations/groups.
For further information relating to this scheme, please contact
Derek Reaney, Development Officer for the West.
00353 7491 73876 Donegal office
078 4327 9912 mobile.
Or contact the main office in Belfast at 028 90 231113