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Successful Bank Holiday Weekend of Ulster-Scots...

01 June 2011

Over the Bank Holiday weekend of Saturday 28, Sunday 29 and Monday 30 May, there was a huge level of Ulster-Scots showcasing and marketing activity at a range of events and locations throughout the Province.

These events also provided a platform for the Agency to launch its third edition of ‘Oot an Aboot’ magazine.  In the region of 1,500 copies of the free magazine were distributed to visitors to the Agency literature stands over the three-day period.


On Saturday 28 May an Ulster-Scots Day took place at Bangor Museum, County Down; this event was organised by North Down Borough Council. The programme for the day included a variety of Ulster-Scots cultural activity including music by The Lyttle Family, Family Folk and the The Ulster Folk Orchestra.  Also included in the programme for the day was Highland dancing, a Lambeg drum demonstration, historical talks, poetry recitals and drama re-enactment.  The day featured the debut of a new exhibition on the Ulster-Scots history of The Ards and North Down.


On Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 May the Agency invited a selection of traditional Ulster-Scots folk groups, Pipers and dancers to showcase our cultural and heritage traditions at the National Countrysports Fair in Moira, County Down.  Freshly made soda bread was cooked on the griddle in the Agency marquee and offered to visitors for tasting on both days.  Our programme of Ulster-Scots musical and dance entertainment took place intermittently over the two days and was enjoyed by many of the visitors to the event who visited the Agency’s marquee.


The finale of the weekend’s programme of activities took place on Bank Holiday Monday 30 May when the Agency teamed up with Foras na Gaeilge to jointly showcase Ulster-Scots and Irish cultural traditions to thousands of visitors to the Stormont Family Fun Day which took place at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. 


The Ulster-Scots and Irish programme of music and dance was provided by ‘Bearnagh’ and members of Agency and Foras staff were on site to distribute literature and share their knowledge of our different and shared cultural traditions to all those who visited the Joint Language Body marquee. 


All in all, this was a very successful and enjoyable weekend of Ulster-Scots showcasing and activity and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who attended the events, enjoyed experiencing our cultural traditions and visited the Agency literature stands.