"Stoor" [Stoor] Meaning: Dust
21 July 2011
The Ulster-Scot Agency in association with National Museums NI will be running a week long drama Summer School in the folk and Transport Museum at Cultra.
The project will run from Monday 22 August to Friday 26 August from 10.00am to 3.00pm each day.
The project manager is Philip Crawford and he will work with mentor Christina Nelson and script creator Dan Gordon in developing a play for the future school usage.
There is no charge for places which are limited. It is hoped those attending will have previous experience in drama however this is not essential.
Places are open to children aged 11+ and individuals (or groups) must be able to make their own travel arrangements to attend all the sessions.
For further information contact info@ulsterscotsagency.org.uk or telephone Michael McCullough on 077 0283 3142.