"Middlin" [Middlin] Meaning: Mediocre
17 September 2013, 11:30, The Manor House, Rathlin Island
Runs to 17 September 2013
Thomas Beggs' poem 'Rathlin' has been reprinted by the Ulster Scots Agency and will be launched on Rathlin Island on September 17.
Thomas Beggs was born in Glenwhirry, County Antrim. When he was six years of age, the family moved to Whiteabbey on the shore of Belfast Lough, and Thomas went to sea in a coasting vessel. He was later ship-wrecked off Rathlin Island, where it is believed he found his inspiration for the 'Rathlin' poem. He moved to Ballyclare, County Antrim, and became employed in a local bleachworks while contributing poems to the Belfast Penny Journal, the News-Letter and the Banner of Ulster.
His first book, Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse, was published in 1819, the following year, Rathlin was published, and a year later, The Rhyming Pedagogue. He moved to Belfast in 1825 to work in the bleachworks, and in 1828 published The Momento, a Choice Variety of Original Poems. In 1830 he published a prose work, Nights in a Garrett. Despite becoming unemployed, and having to rely on his brother for food and shelter for he and his family, he continued to publish. Eventually he was re-employed and given a cottage. He is buried in Ballylinny, near Ballyclare, County Antrim, in an unmarked grave.
The book will be launched at The Manor House, Rathlin Island at 11.30am where Jim Millar, Director of Education and Language from the Ulster Scots Agency will give a reading of the poem and a talk about Robert the Bruce. Light refreshments will be available.
This event is free to attend and open to the public. However if would you would like to attend this event, please email catriona@ulsterscotsagency.org.uk or telephone 028 9023 1113.