"Gunk" [Gunk] Meaning: Shock
09 March 2016
On Wednesday March 9 the Ulster-Scots Agency presented Belfast Boys’ Model School the Ulster-Scots Agency Schools Award 2015 - Award for Inclusion in the Post Primary Curriculum.
Belfast Boys’ Model School’s links with Ulster-Scots began a number of years ago when a tutor began to deliver lessons in Lambeg Drum and Fife. As a result of this peripatetic teaching, pupils have had opportunities to perform at a variety of venues outside school to a number of distinguished guests. This has also provided the school with the chance of participating in many cross-community events in recent years.
Links with Belfast Boys’ Model School have developed further as Ulster-Scots tutors have worked with other members of staff in our school, both in our Diversity day and also in our English department.
Sharon Baird, Head of Music at Belfast Boys' Model said: “We look forward to building stronger links with the Ulster-Scots Agency and hopefully will be able to make further use of their expertise in different areas of school life”.