"Pernickety" [Per-nick-ety] Meaning: Fastidious
Begins Sunday 12 November BBC Two Northern Ireland, 10pm more »
Lord Mayor visits the Discover Ulster-Scots Centre more »
The Ulster’s V.C. Heroes of the Great War exhibition is now on display in the Belfast Room of the Ulster Museum. more »
The Ulster-Scots Agency will open the Music and Dance Tuition Programme for 2018 on the 4th September. more »
Over 100 bands from across the UK and Ireland have taken part in the UK Pipe Band Championships in Northern Ireland. The event was staged in the grounds of Stormont on Saturday, marking the fourth year in a row that it has been held in Belfast. Ian Burrows, from the NI branch of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association, told UTV the championships were always highly competitive with hours of practice being put in. more »
The Ulster Scots Agency would like to take this opportunity to promote the Department for Communities Safeguarding Children and Adults in the Arts and Culture Sector Project. more »
A new science roadshow for schools which encourages pupils to engage with science by learning about famous Ulster-Scots scientists and inventors has been launched by the Ulster-Scots Agency. more »
Bright Lights dancers Jasmine Ng and Emma McCluskey auditioned successfully for the Moscow Tattoo International Highland Dance Team 2017. more »
Some local primary school children would have been forgiven for feeling ‘wabbit’ (tired) last week, after completing a six week course under the watch-full eye of Ulster-Scots Language facilitator Anne Blair which ended up with over 80 young people networking together to celebrate the life, loves and legacy of Robert Burns by hosting an Ulster-Scots Burns Dinner at Newtownstewart Model Primary School. more »
In May in 1717 a small ship made her way out of Larne Harbour and along the Antrim coast past Islandmagee, heading south and then charting a route across the Atlantic to Boston in Massachusetts. more »