"Shairp" [Share-p] Meaning: Sharp
Applications are invited for financial assistance (under the Voluntary and Community Group awards) for the employment of a part time (up to 25 hours per week) administrative worker for Ulster Scots Groups or organisations. more »
PLANTATION – THE TRUTH & THE LEGACY is now available to view at http://www.u.tv/utvplayer/video/134159 more »
Santer is not about celebrity names, celebrity venues or headline stories. It’s a series about ordinary people who live here; their stories, their past and their passion for their heritage. more »
Review of grant programmes currently operated under Ulster-Scots Agency's Financial Assistance Scheme - closing date extended. more »
The Ulster-Scots Agency has commenced a process of review of grant programmes currently operated under its Financial Assistance Scheme. The aim is to refine processes to reduce the complexity of the current system and to improve transparency in decision making while minimising the administrative burden on organisations in receipt of grant. Affordability and value for money are also important in the current climate of reductions in public sector funding. more »
A series of community road shows have been arranged during October 2010. Community group members interested in organising Dance or Music Tuition classes in 2011 are invited to join the Agency at one of these forthcoming road shows. more »
Alexander "Alex" Gordon Higgins (18 March 1949 – 24 July 2010),also known by his nickname of Hurricane Higgins, was an Ulster snooker player who was twice World Champion and twice runner-up. Higgins earned the nickname The Hurricane because of his speed of play. more »
A total of thirty Summer Schools will take place across Ulster over the coming months; each school will run for one week and will offer thousands of young people aged between 6 and 11 years an opportunity to learn more about their Ulster-Scots culture, language and heritage in an enjoyable and safe environment. more »
Board member, Jacqui Reed provides an account of a recent event held at the Ulster-Scots / Scots Irish Heritage centre in Monreagh, Co Donegal. more »
On Wednesday, 9th June, the Market Place Theatre in Armagh became alive to the sounds of Stonewall and Session Beat, together with a number of special guests. more »