"Unther" [Unner] Meaning: Under
The Jolly Rooks Festival Hillsborough, runs over the period 9th to 18th September. more »
The Ulster-Scots Agency offices will be closed on Monday 29th August 2016. The office will re-open on Tuesday 30th August 2016 at 9.00am. more »
Ballycarry's annual Broadisland Gathering festival will be focusing on the theme of creativity within the Ulster Scots community this year. more »
Glasgow will host it’s first Tattoo in January 2017, with over 600 performers, and will showcase some of the finest marching bands, musicians, and dancers from across Scotland, Ulster and beyond, in a three hour show, building up to the Grand Finale of the Massed Pipe And Drums. more »
With just 5 weeks to go until Opening Night of The 2016 Belfast Tattoo, participants who had success in The Scottish Pipe Band Championships held in Dumbarton last Saturday included Ravara Pipe Band, Thiepval Memorial Pipe Band and Marlacoo Pipe Band. more »
The Ulster’s V.C. Heroes of the Great War Exhibition of Paintings will go on display in the Discover Ulster-Scots Centre from Monday 1st August 2016. more »
On Thursday 30th June at an event hosted by Speaker of the NI Assembly, Robin Newton MLA, the Ulster-Scots Agency officially launched an exhibition of paintings on ‘Ulster’s V.C. Heroes of the Great War’ at Parliament Buildings, Stormont. more »
The rich cultural heritage of the Andrew Jackson Cottage at Boneybefore, Carrickfergus is to be explored in a free entry cultural festival. more »
Belfast Somme 100 is a programme of commemorative events marking the centenary of the battles of the Somme, and the place of the Somme campaign within the First World War. more »
The First Minister, Arlene Foster MLA, has launched a new Ulster-Scots Agency project raising awareness of Ulster’s contribution in the Great War. Every school in Northern Ireland and the border counties of the Republic are receiving two commemorative posters, one depicting the 19 Ulstermen who won the Victoria Cross during the war; and the other depicting the charge of the 36th (Ulster) Division on 1st July 1916. more »