"Creesh" [Creesh] Meaning: Grease
Applications for the Ulster-Scots Agency Festival funding have now opened. more »
First Minister Arlene Foster MLA joined the Ulster-Scots Agency and partner organisations to unveil blue plaque honouring the achievements of Ulster Covenant author, Thomas Sinclair. more »
John Calvin Memorial Independent LOL No. 60 is looking for a Lambeg drummer for the 12th July 2016 demonstrations in Portglenone. If you are a Lambeg drummer and available on this date contact James McIlhatton on 028 2563 7749. more »
A major new tourist initiative charting the rich history and global contribution of Ulster Presbyterians was launched at the Assembly Buildings in Fisherwick Place today (Friday, January 22). more »
Anne Jane Carlile, prison reformer and temperance pioneer, 1775-1864 more »
The Arts Council has committed an additional £100,000 to the Intercultural Arts Programme for the 2016/17 period from its Lottery funding, primarily to take forward the Intercultural Arts Grants Programme. more »
Enjoy Ulster-Scots music at its best in The Castle Session, a one-hour celebration featuring local artists and invited guests from Canada and Scotland. more »
The RSPBANI President’s charity fundraising concert entitled ‘A Touch of Tartan’ was held in Greystone Primary School, Antrim, on Friday 6th November. more »
The latest publication ‘The Scots in Ulster’ is a re-print of 6 pamphlets published by the Rev Dr David Stewart between 1952 and 1957. more »
The Ulster Scots Agency and Ulster Orchestra are delighted to announce that Phil Cunningham and Aly Bain, recently awarded Lifetime Achievement awards at the Great Scots Awards, will be performing with the Orchestra at its 5th annual Burns Night Celebration, supported by the Ulster-Scots Agency. more »