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Oor Wee Scuil
These resources consist of a ‘Songs' booklet, ‘Poetry' booklet, ‘Dance' booklet, ‘Musical Notation' booklet, and audio files. The ‘Songs' and ‘Poetry' booklets contain songs, rhymes and poems relating to Ulster-Scots, as well as those which are traditionally sung throughout Ulster. Samples of Scots pieces are also included. It is likely that pupils will be familiar with many of the pieces in the booklets. Pupils can perform the pieces in groups or as a class, and can take on different lines or roles in a song or poem.
Some pieces are in English and others in Ulster-Scots, giving teachers the opportunity to introduce the Ulster-Scots language. An audio version of all poems and songs is included, as well as a glossary to help pupils understand Ulster-Scots words. The audio files enable pupils to hear what the pieces sound like, as well as listening to the pronunciation of Ulster-Scots words. The musical notation to all songs is included, which can be used by teachers and pupils to play these songs on instruments such as the piano.
Each poem and song is available individually on the site, as well as in a printable booklet. A printable booklet is available for each of the four resources, enabling pupils and teachers to easily browse and explore these, and print them off to use as a shelf resource in the classroom.
The ‘Dance' booklet gives pupils the opportunity to learn and perform a Scottish country dance. It also highlights various resources on Scottish country dancing, which teachers can explore if they wish.
The resources are suitable for pupils of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, as different pieces are appropriate for different ages. They can be used to generate discussions about music and dance from different traditions, as well as raising awareness of Ulster-Scots traditions and language. Pupils could expand on the information in ‘Oor Wee Scuil' in various ways, for example by writing a poem or song in Ulster-Scots using the ‘Wordlist' section of the website to help.
Pupils are learning to:
- Sing songs in English and/or Ulster-Scots.
- Understand that different types of music and dance are linked to different cultural traditions.
- Perform a Scottish county dance.
- Follow musical notation to play a song.
- Listen, read and respond to music, poetry and prose.
- Listen to and perform music from different traditions.
- Understand that different languages exist locally.
- Read, learn, and understand the meaning of various Ulster-Scots words.
- Read and respond to a variety of texts including songs, poetry and prose.
- Write their own song, poem, rhyme or story.
Download The Oor Wee Scuil PDF.
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Download The Ulster-Scots Music Notation PDF.
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Class Year: P1 to P7
Curriculum Areas & Skills:
- The Arts
- Language and Literacy
- Personal Development
- Physical Education
- The World Around Us
- Being Creative
- Working With Others
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